
Chapter 3 – General Institution

AP 3000 Catering

AP 3021 Exclusion Trespass of Persons from Campus

AP 3060 Empire Lakes Drainage Basin

AP 3070 College Closure or Delayed Opening Due to Inclement Weather or Emergencies

AP 3080 Traffic Control

AP 3090 Leasing of College Owned Facilities

AP 3250 Long Range Planning

AP 3280 External Funding Grants and Contracts

AP 3281 Grant Time and Effort Certification

AP 3282 Grant Participant Support Costs

BP 3300 Public Records Request

AP 3310 Records Retention and Destruction

AP 3433 Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX

AP 3434 Responding to Sexual Harassment Title IX

AP 3440 Service Assistance Animals

AP 3500 Campus Safety

AP 3501 Campus Security and Access

AP 3503 Missing Student Notification

AP 3505 Emergency Response Plan

AP 3515 Reporting of Crimes

AP 3516 Registered Sex Offender Information

AP 3518 Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting FAQs

AP 3520 Local Law Enforcement

AP 3530 Weapons on Campus

AP 3550 Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program

AP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages

AP 3720 Computer and Network Use

AP 3730 Surveillance and Monitoring Technology

AP 3800 EU General Data Protection Regulation

AP 3900 Freedom of Expression and Campus Posting

AP 3910 Campus Solicitation

AP 3920 Integrated Pest Management

AP 3930 Personal Transportation Devices on Campus

AP 3940 Approval of College Affiliated Groups

APP 4025 Reproduction of All Copyrighted Materials

APP 5060 Copyrights and Patents

AP 5061 Space Allocation

AP 5062 Facilities Moving

AP 6700 Community Use of College Facilities

APP 10020 Dedicated Future use of undeveloped college property

APP 10032 Use of Library Facilities by Nonstudents