Southwestern engages in strategic planning as well as academic and operational planning. The planning processes allow the College to create a roadmap to guide the staff in their efforts to meet the core theme objectives and fulfill the Mission. The comprehensive planning process includes the institutional strategic plan (a compilation of academic and operational planning associated with the budget process), academic master plan, enrollment management plan, master facility plan, technology plan, sustainability plan, and the crisis management and disaster recovery planning. The plans are developed from input provided by faculty and staff during committee and taskforce meetings held throughout the year, as well as from a program review process that includes community and advisory committee meetings.

Planning Documents



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Managers, please use this planning guide for Strategic Planning 2022-2027.


Updated January 2022.

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Strategic Planning 2020-27

Southwestern's accreditation was re-affirmed by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) at their June 2020 meeting.  As part of the ongoing institutional effectiveness process, Southwestern reviewed the mission and strategic plan to align with the new accreditation standards.  The College is committed to "an ongoing and systematic evaluation and planning process to inform and refine its effectiveness, assign resources, and improve student learning and achievement." (Standard 1.B.1)  The Strategic Plan is one way "the institution provides evidence that its planning process is inclusive and offers opportunities for comment by appropriate constituencies, allocates necessary resources, and leads to improvement of institutional effectiveness." (Standard 1.B.3)

Southwestern began a new strategic planning process in April 2021, with a comprehensive environmental scan to take into account the changing nature of education and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the course of 2021, staff met in small and large groups led by the President's Office and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to decide on five strategic priorities that form the basis of the current strategic plan.

Southwestern Oregon Community College Strategic Plan 2022-27

    • Student Success
    • Enrollment
    • Equity
    • Capital
    • Technology


Strategic Plans Prior to 2020

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020 Year 3: 2019-2020

  • 2019-2020 Status Updates
    • Reporting Updates - All Areas - available Fall 2020

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020 Year 2: 2018-2019

  • 2018
    • Administrative Service Areas
    • Student Services Areas
    • Reporting Updates - All Areas - available end March as delayed due to COVID-19

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020

Strategic Plans Prior to 2017-18

Academic Master Plan - official document located on faculty resources portal page

The College is working on a strategic enrollment management plan (SEMP). While past iterations of the plan have
been completed, the current version is in development. The Dean of Enrollment meets regularly with student services and
instruction leaders to discuss enrollment trends and to work on the SEMP.

Facilities Master Plan 2020 - 2030

Facilities Master Plan Appendix 2020 - 2030

Southwestern completed an extensive process to develop a new Facilities Master Plan for 2020-2030 in early 2020.  Opsis Architecture and Smith Group formulated a steering committee to manage the process, gather information, evaluate the input, and prepare the plan. Driven by the Academic Master Plan, deferred maintenance, and operational needs, the process included input from staff, students, the community, the Board, and other stakeholders. A regular plan review will take place and the FMP updated as needed.  Southwestern acknowledges the work of Opsis Architecture and Smith Group along with faculty, staff, Board of Education members and the community.

2008 Facilities Master Plan

The Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide and resource for the implementation of improvements and/or remodeling projects for the College’s facilities. A comprehensive study was conducted by Crow Clay & Associates, Inc. that was completed in May 2008 with the plan updated in the last several years to include current projects (projects are now mapped to core themes and objectives during the annual planning process). This Master Plan study was initiated through a series of meetings (called Focus Groups) with College constituents in each of the communities served by the College. The purpose of the Focus Groups was to ascertain community member thoughts and perceptions on existing College services and on additional services the College might provide.

2020 Wayfinding Master Plan

Campus Identity and wayfinding signage are important placemaking elements. This document includes recommendations to redesign and replace Southwestern Oregon Community College signage with a cohesive campus-wide system.

The Integrated Technology Plan includes currently planned technology needs as well as replacement equipment for campus-wide technology use including a focus on the lab and classroom technology needs.

The disaster recovery plan for Southwestern Oregon Community College, Integrated Technology Services Department provides information that guides College management and technical staff in the recovery of computing, network, and phone facilities operated by Integrated Technology Services in the event that a disaster destroys all or part of the facilities. The recovery plan is composed of a number of sections that document resources and procedures to be used in the event that a disaster occurs at the Integrated Technology Services facility in Randolph Hall server room or phone and network switch room. Each supported computing platform has a section containing specific recovery procedures. There are also sections that document the personnel that will be needed to perform the recovery tasks and an organizational structure for the recovery process.