Facilities Master Plan 2020 - 2030
Facilities Master Plan Appendix 2020 - 2030
Southwestern completed an extensive process to develop a new Facilities Master Plan for 2020-2030 in early 2020. Opsis Architecture and Smith Group formulated a steering committee to manage the process, gather information, evaluate the input, and prepare the plan. Driven by the Academic Master Plan, deferred maintenance, and operational needs, the process included input from staff, students, the community, the Board, and other stakeholders. A regular plan review will take place and the FMP updated as needed. Southwestern acknowledges the work of Opsis Architecture and Smith Group along with faculty, staff, Board of Education members and the community.
2008 Facilities Master Plan
The Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide and resource for the implementation of improvements and/or remodeling projects for the College’s facilities. A comprehensive study was conducted by Crow Clay & Associates, Inc. that was completed in May 2008 with the plan updated in the last several years to include current projects (projects are now mapped to core themes and objectives during the annual planning process). This Master Plan study was initiated through a series of meetings (called Focus Groups) with College constituents in each of the communities served by the College. The purpose of the Focus Groups was to ascertain community member thoughts and perceptions on existing College services and on additional services the College might provide.
2020 Wayfinding Master Plan
Campus Identity and wayfinding signage are important placemaking elements. This document includes recommendations to redesign and replace Southwestern Oregon Community College signage with a cohesive campus-wide system.