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Strategic Planning 2020-27

Southwestern's accreditation was re-affirmed by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) at their June 2020 meeting.  As part of the ongoing institutional effectiveness process, Southwestern reviewed the mission and strategic plan to align with the new accreditation standards.  The College is committed to "an ongoing and systematic evaluation and planning process to inform and refine its effectiveness, assign resources, and improve student learning and achievement." (Standard 1.B.1)  The Strategic Plan is one way "the institution provides evidence that its planning process is inclusive and offers opportunities for comment by appropriate constituencies, allocates necessary resources, and leads to improvement of institutional effectiveness." (Standard 1.B.3)

Southwestern began a new strategic planning process in April 2021, with a comprehensive environmental scan to take into account the changing nature of education and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the course of 2021, staff met in small and large groups led by the President's Office and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to decide on five strategic priorities that form the basis of the current strategic plan.

Southwestern Oregon Community College Strategic Plan 2022-27

    • Student Success
    • Enrollment
    • Equity
    • Capital
    • Technology


Strategic Plans Prior to 2020

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020 Year 3: 2019-2020

  • 2019-2020 Status Updates
    • Reporting Updates - All Areas - available Fall 2020

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020 Year 2: 2018-2019

  • 2018
    • Administrative Service Areas
    • Student Services Areas
    • Reporting Updates - All Areas - available end March as delayed due to COVID-19

Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020

Strategic Plans Prior to 2017-18