IPEDS Surveys Institutional Characteristics Image

"Institutional characteristics are collected through two survey components: Institutional Characteristics Header and Institutional Characteristics. Institutional characteristics data are the foundation of the entire IPEDS system.

Data collected include:

  • Basic institutional contact information;
  • Student services information;
  • Tuition/fees and other student charges;
  • Control or affiliation;
  • Type of calendar system; and
  • Levels of awards and types of programs offered." NCES IPEDS Website


Institutional Characteristics Header

2023-24 Header

2022-23 Header

2021-22 Header

2020-21 Header

2019-20 Header

2018-19 Header *

2017-18 Header *

2016-17 Header

2015-16 Header

2014-15 Header

2013-14 Header

"The primary purpose of the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics Header (IC-H) survey is to collect basic institutional data including control or affiliation, calendar system, and award levels. These data are key to accurate reporting as they are used to determine the reporting for other IPEDS surveys."  NCES IPEDS Website

* Contact ir@socc.edu for document details