Institutional Data:  Achievement and Success

Mission Fulfillment and Core Theme Achievement

Success Indicator Achievement

Interactive Mission Fulfillment Report this report is in draft format - the report illustrates the threshold level achieved for overall Mission Fulfillment with an additional report which expands to the Core Theme, Core Theme Objective and Success Indicator to view the achievement level of green, yellow or red.

College Statistics Quick Facts and Demographics

Economic Impact Study - Investment and Impact Analysis

Student Data:  Achievement and Success

Celebrating Student Success:  Student Stories 2019

Student Progress and Retention

Student Completion and Licensure (Technical Skills Assessment)

Student Transfer

Student Placement

A public Student Achievement and Success Dashboard option is in progress. The data partnership with Achieving the Dream and the National Student Clearinghouse provides aggregate and disaggregated data for key achievement and success indicators.

Comparative Data: Achievement, Success and Satisfaction

Comparative Oregon Community College Data: HECC - Higher Education Coordinating Commission

National Community College Data: VFA - Voluntary Framework of Accountability

National Data: IPEDS - Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System

National Survey Data: CCSSE and SENSE Engagement Surveys; SSI Student Satisfaction


**  Disaggregated data provided upon request as data must be suppressed in accordance with privacy requirements.  Southwestern suppresses data for categories of 10 or less.

The report below is designed to be viewed on a desktop with the ability to scroll up and down or left to right due to the expanding data columns. The dashboards are in development - expected final version by April.  Note: Core Themes and Success Indicator Achievement Dashboard be sure to click on the title column heading for Core Theme to expand to the Objectives and then click on the Objectives Description to expand to the Success Indicator Data.

Data Disclaimer – Southwestern strives to provide comprehensive and transparent data. Please know there are several paths to take when exploring data, which often leads to more questions.  Why do numbers vary in some areas? What do these numbers mean? 

Data varies based on changes in processes. Also, state funding guidelines often impact what may appear as unusually large increases or decreases. It’s important to gain insight and validate the data you discover while exploring this site.

We can help. Please check with Institutional Research staff prior to using data for decision-making and planning purposes. We look forward to hearing from you! Contact us: (541) 888-1614 or

Data Overview: Student Demographic Data, Enrollments and Course Data Views

Student Achievement and Success Dashboard

The dashboard below was utilized during the NWCCU Academy in fall 2019.  The data is static with no updates planned.  Watch for the enhanced dashboard through the Data Partnership with the National Student Clearinghouse - expected launch date in late summer!