Data Disclaimer – Southwestern strives to provide comprehensive and transparent data. Please know there are several paths to take when exploring data, which often leads to more questions.  Why do numbers vary in some areas? What do these numbers mean? 

Data varies based on changes in processes. Also, state funding guidelines often impact what may appear as unusually large increases or decreases. It’s important to gain insight and validate the data you discover while exploring this site.

We can help. Please check with Institutional Research staff prior to using data for decision-making and planning purposes. We look forward to hearing from you! Contact us: (541) 888-1614 or

Data Overview: Student Demographic Data, Enrollments and Course Data Views

Student Achievement and Success Dashboard

The dashboard below was utilized during the NWCCU Academy in fall 2019.  The data is static with no updates planned.  Watch for the enhanced dashboard through the Data Partnership with the National Student Clearinghouse - expected launch date in late summer!