Due to a scheduled upgrade, the myLakerLink portal will be unavailable from 9pm on Sunday, December 22nd until 1am on Monday, December 23rd. We apologize for any inconvenience that may cause.
The Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE), a product and service of the Center for Community College Student Engagement, helps community colleges discover why some entering students persist and succeed while others are not retained. Additional information is located on the SENSE website explaining the benchmark survey elements.
This survey was first administered in 2009 with an administration cycle of every three years as part of the Oregon consortium.
Most Recent Reports
2018 SENSE Key Findings
2018 SENSE Southwestern ... Now You Know Infographic, includes links to all report and data documents
2018 SENSE Focus Items, Overview, Comparison with Key Findings
2018 SENSE Benchmark Overview
2018 SENSE Benchmark Peer Comparison
2018 SENSE Benchmark Breakout by Student Category
2018 SENSE Benchmark Selected Peer Comparison Interactive Report
Prior Reports
2015 SENSE Key Findings
2015 SENSE Benchmark Overview
2015 SENSE Benchmark Peer Comparison