
2023-24 Reportcompletions between 7/1/2022 and 6/30/2023

2022-23 Report- completions between 7/1/2021 and 6/30/2022

2021-22 Report- completions between 7/1/2020 and 6/30/2021

2020-21 Report - completions between 7/1/2019 and 6/30/2020

2019-20 Report - completions between 7/1/2018 and 6/30/2019

2018-19 Report - completions between 7/1/2017 and 6/30/2018

2017-18 Report

2016-17 Report

2015-16 Report

2014-15 Report

2013-14 Report

The Completion (total awards received by students) Survey provides information by award level (two-year degrees, one-year certificates and less-than-one-year certificates) listed by CIP code.  The report provides data by gender, age category and first and second major which includes an unduplicated headcount of students.  The report year includes students who completed the prior academic year - July 1 to June 30.  Reports are submitted to IPEDS during the fall reporting period with a due date in mid-October.

"IPEDS collects data on the number of students who complete a postsecondary education program (completers) and the number of postsecondary awards earned (completions). Business and industry, the military, and other groups that need to recruit individuals with particular skills use these data extensively.

Data collected include:

  • Completions by field of study, award level, recipient race/ethnicity and gender;
  • Completers by race/ethnicity, gender, and age (collected at the total as well as by award level); and
  • Whether programs are offered via distance education

Field of study is categorized according to the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), a detailed coding system for postsecondary instructional programs." NCES IPEDS Website