Accreditation Recent Report - NWCCU

New Accreditation Site!

The NWCCU reports and information is now located on the new Accreditation pages. Explore the Specialized Program Accreditation as well as the Self-Study and Approval reports and contact information on the new site. This page remains active for archival purposes although no longer maintained as of March 2020.

2020 Comprehensive Report

The 2020 Comprehensive Report was submitted to the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities on February 7, 2020.

Accreditation Status

Title Description File type

Annual Reports

Below is a list of the Annual Reports submitted to NWCCU for the last four years.  Prior reports are available by contacting the Accreditation Liaison Officer.

Prior NWCCU Reaffirmation Notifications

Title Description File type

Prior NWCCU Accreditation Reports


NWCCU Ad-Hoc Self Evaluation Report March 2016  - REQUIRED: visitor pass code is  8181D0B4

The report was submitted on March 1, 2016, to NWCCU.  The report is available to the public.  To access the current report, click on the link above which is the title of the report - pass code required. The report was written within the LiveText assessment, analytics and reporting system.

Title Description File type

This report was originally posted to the SWOCC website prior to implementation of the current webpages, therefore, links to documents may not be up-to-date at this time.  For a copy of a specific document, please contact the Accreditation Liaison Officer


This report was originally posted to the SWOCC website prior to implementation of the current webpages, therefore, links to documents may not be up-to-date at this time.  For a copy of a specific document, please contact the Accreditation Liaison Officer


This report was originally posted to the SWOCC website prior to implementation of the current webpages, therefore, links to documents may not be up-to-date at this time.  For a copy of a specific document, please contact the Accreditation Liaison Officer


NWCCU 2012 Exhibits A:  Exhibit documents with titles that begin with the letter "A".  This is a combined file of exhibits as the original links in the 2012 report are no longer active as a new webpage was launched in Fall 2019.


NWCCU 2012 Exhibits B:  Exhibit documents with titles that begin with the letter "B".  This is a combined file of exhibits as the original links in the 2012 report are no longer active as a new webpage was launched in Fall 2019.


NWCCU 2012 Exhibits C:  Exhibit documents with titles that begin with the letter "C".  This is a combined file of exhibits as the original links in the 2012 report are no longer active as a new webpage was launched in Fall 2019.


NWCCU 2012 Exhibits D through H:  Exhibit documents with titles that begin with the letter "D" through "H".  This is a combined file of exhibits as the original links in the 2012 report are no longer active as a new webpage was launched in Fall 2019.


NWCCU 2012 Exhibits I through M:  Exhibit documents with titles that begin with the letter "I" through "M". This is a combined file of exhibits as the original links in the 2012 report are no longer active as a new webpage was launched in Fall 2019.


NWCCU 2012 Exhibits N through P: Exhibit documents with titles that begin with the letter "N" through "P". This is a combined file of exhibits as the original links in the 2012 report are no longer active as a new webpage was launched in Fall 2019.


NWCCU 2012 Exhibits R through Z: Exhibit documents with titles that begin with the letter "R" through "Z". This is a combined file of exhibits as the original links in the 2012 report are no longer active as a new webpage was launched in Fall 2019.


This report was originally posted to the SWOCC website prior to implementation of the current webpages, therefore, links to documents may not be up-to-date at this time.  For a copy of a specific document, please contact the Accreditation Liaison Officer


This report was originally posted to the SWOCC website prior to implementation of the current webpages, therefore, links to documents may not be up-to-date at this time.  For a copy of a specific document, please contact the Accreditation Liaison Officer


This report was originally posted to the SWOCC website prior to implementation of the current webpages, therefore, links to documents may not be up-to-date at this time.  For a copy of a specific document, please contact the Accreditation Liaison Officer


NWCCU 2018 Ad Hoc Report Documents

This section includes supporting documentation for the report.  Documents are not intended for review as a "current" document, rather the documents represent the required appendices for inclusion within the report.

Additional online documents referenced in the report are noted below as "Online Resource Document" and were not included as appendices in the report.

Title Description File type

Updated: To include the survey comments


This document was referenced as an additional online resource within the 2018 Ad Hoc Report and was not included as an appendix.


This document was referenced as an additional online resource within the 2018 Ad Hoc Report and was not included as an appendix.


NWCCU 2016 Ad-Hoc Self Evaluation Report Documents

This section includes supporting documentation for the report.  Documents are not intended for review as a "current" document, rather the documents represent the required appendices for inclusion within the report.

Appendices are listed first by section as written within the report followed by online supporting documentation not posted on another portal page.

Learning Outcomes Maps and Assessment Reports are located on their own portal page.

2015 Mid-Cycle Evaluation Evaluator Documents

This section provides the permanent documents that are linked within NWCCU accreditation reports, referred to as an appendix or exhibit, or other documents that may be needed for peer evaluators.  These documents are accurate at the time the report was written and serve as archived documents

Mission Fulfillment and Core Theme, Objectives and Indicators and Annual Reports

Program Review public portal

Strategic Plan public portal

Success Indicator Reports - historical indicators webpage portal

Title Description File type

This list is current as of February 2015 and includes green highlighted indicators that were changed from 2014-2015; either the measure and/or thresholds.



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