Grade Appeal Process
The purpose of the grade appeal process is to address concerns regarding the final grade in a class and is utilized for only that purpose. Students may not appeal disagreements with items such as teaching methodologies, attendance policies or grade weighting methods.
After receiving final grades at the end of a term, students may decide to formally appeal a final grade. Students may appeal final course grades for the following reasons:1
- Grade miscalculation
- Inconsistency between the grading policy written in the syllabus and what is practiced
If a student chooses to pursue a final grade appeal, then the process must be completed the following term. The grade appeal process will be conducted as follows (0-6 weeks total):2
Step 1
The student must meet with the instructor to discuss the final grade in dispute. This meeting must occur by the close of the business day on Friday of Week 2 of the subsequent term after the grade was posted. The meeting must be in a manner that is consistent with the course syllabus (in-person, telephone, or email). Students are encouraged to attempt to communicate with the instructor using multiple means, including in person, via telephone and via email. Students are encouraged to review the syllabus to determine how to contact the instructor.
- If the instructor cannot be reached, the student must contact the appropriate academic dean. It is the dean's responsibility to communicate the grade in dispute with the instructor, and set up a time to mediate a discussion between student and instructor.
- If the student misses the period of time for which to pursue a grade appeal, she/he can still meet with the instructor and see if the grade dispute can be resolved informally. However, if the deadline has passed to proceed with the formal grade appeal process, the committee will not make exceptions to hear the appeal.
Step 2
If Step 1 has been met (with the exception of 1b), and the dispute is not resolved, the student must complete the Grade Appeal Form to officially request a grade appeal hearing. This form must be completed and submitted to the appropriate academic dean by the close of the business day on Friday of Week 3 of the subsequent term after the grade was posted.
- The academic dean is responsible for informing the instructor and the Academic Standards Committee of the request for a grade appeal within one business day of receiving the Grade Appeal Form.
- The student must contact the Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services to seek an advocate for the grade appeal.
- The faculty member may request a meeting with the student to be completed by the close of the business day on Friday of Week 4 of the subsequent term after the grade was posted. The dean or designee shall facilitate this meeting. The Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services or designee may accompany the student at the student’s request. The instructor may have a representative present as well.
Step 3
The Academic Standards Committee will conduct a formal grade appeal hearing by the close of the business day on Friday of Week 5 of the subsequent term after the grade was posted.
- Prior to the grade appeal hearing, the student must meet with the Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services for support and meeting preparation. The student must provide appropriate documentation for review.
- Prior to the grade appeal hearing, the instructor is encouraged to seek professional guidance for support and meeting preparation. The instructor must provide appropriate documentation to the Academic Standards Committee for review.
- Meeting participants include:
- Student
- Instructor
- Dean
- Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services
- Academic Standards Committee members (quorum required)
- Student presents her/his case. Instructor will not be present during student's presentation.
- Instructor presents her/his case. Student will not be present during instructor's presentation.
- After presentations, the Academic Standards Committee will deliberate.
Step 4
The Academic Standards Committee will reach a conclusion and provide written rationale to resolve the matter by the close of the business day on Friday of Week 6 of the subsequent term after the grade was posted. A completed Grade Appeal Form must be provided to the Office of Instruction and to the Registrar. The Office of Instruction must inform all parties of the decision.
1. For issues outside of the reasons listed, refer to the student handbook or seek assistance from student services.
2. There is no current mechanism for handling spring term grade appeals during summer term. These grade appeals will be handled during fall term.