Second Reinstatement Request:
1. Meet with your advisor to discuss your reinstatement, educational goals and sign this form.
2.Repeat reinstatements and denied first time requests require in-person appeals. Contact the Transcript Evaluator, in Dellwood Hall, room 8 or call (541) 888-7246, to set a meeting time to appear before the Academic Standards Committee.
Reinstatement Petitions MUST be in by Friday of the first week of the term. A notification of the committee’s decision will be mailed to you within ten business days of the meeting.
Denied Petitions: If your petition is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Academic Standards Committee by appearing in-person. You will appear at the next available scheduled meeting; you will be given the date, time and place of the meeting at the time you submit your appeal. The decision of the Academic Standards Committee in person appeal is final. If the appeal is denied, you have further rights as stated in the Student Conduct Code / Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy.
Notice: A $50 reinstatement fee is required.
You can make your payment using myLakerLink.socc with a VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover card and clicking on "My Account Balances".
Or mail checks to:
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Attn: Student First Stop Center
1988 Newmark Ave
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Or visit our Student First Stop Centers to pay in cash, check or credit card on our Coos and Brookings campus.