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Data facts presented throughout the academic year: September - June

Student Success: Lead State Community Colleges and National Averages

SWOCC 2017 2018S Success Data


Click on the image to view the statewide snapshot data.  Click here to access the 4 Year College Average Tuition and Fees.



We Asked ... Students Responded ... Now We Know A Bit More to Support Student Success


Student Satisfaction Inventory 2018

Instructional Areas Student Responses


SSI Instructional Areas Student Response Highlights



SSI Instructional Areas Student Response Highlights


Campus Services Focus Area


SSI Campus Services Student Response Highlights



SSI Campus Services Student Response Planning

Mission Fulfillment and Core Theme Fulfillment 2014-2015

Southwestern staff are dedicated to achieving the Mission of the College – Success Indicator reports along with the planned projects designed to increase student success and serve our students within budget are highlighted in the annual Mission Fulfillment Achievement Report for 2014-15 (report to be finalized in December).  Thank you for all you do to support students to succeed and our community members as they engage in diverse learning opportunities!

Question:  Was Mission Fulfillment Achieved?

Yes:  91% of Success Indicators were achieved within the green or yellow threshold (29 of 32 with 23 at green status)

Question:  Was Core Theme Fulfillment Achieved?

Yes:   Rates ranged from 88% to 100%

Learning and Achievement


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Community Engagement


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Want to know more about Mission Fulfillment and review what was achieved? Check out the Mission Fulfillment, Planning and Compliance webpages for the definition of Mission Fulfillment and Core Theme Fulfillment including links to all of the Success Indicator reports.

Student Success Retention Rates: Fall 2014 to Fall 2015

The first-time, full-time freshman fall 2014 to fall 2015 cohort retention rate was 57% - over 1.5 percentage points higher compared to the four year average.  Female and male students were retained at nearly the same rate, closing the gap between prior years where females were retained at a higher rate (more than 5 percentage points).

Who had the highest retention rate among the different category of all students you ask?  63% - Athletes  1

Research from the Center for Community College Student Engagement indicates students persist when they . . .

  • Are active & engaged learners
  • Establish meaningful relationships with faculty, staff and peers
  • Have high expectations & aspirations
  • Navigate successfully through the front door -- college systems, processes and procedures
  • Have more structure, fewer options, clearer pathways

 1  OCCI retention rate was 74% - students at OCCI are enrolled in a cohort group that is designed to complete in 5 terms, this represents an increase of nearly 3% compared to prior year