AP 5012 International Students
AP 5021 Tuition Waivers for Student Retention
AP 5022 Scholastic Tuition Waivers
AP 5023 Tuition Waivers for Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting & EMT
AP 5024 Tuition Waivers for Student Government Officers
AP 5025 Deferred Tuition and Fee Payment
AP 5040 Education Records Directory Information and Privacy
AP 5045 Student Records Challenging Content and Access Log
AP 5400 Associated Student Government Constitution
AP 5505 Hazing
AP 5510 Off Campus Student Organizations
AP 5700 Athletic Travel
AP 5900 Student Club and Organization Receipts
AP 5920 Student Refund Claims
AP 5930 Student Publications
AP 5940 Full-Time Student
AP 5950 Institutional Representatives
AP 5960 Credit Hour
AP 5970 Student Death
APP 8012 Tuition Residency Status Guidelines
APP 8024 Registration and Payment of Fees
APP 8026 Registration Fees
APP 8043 Alternative Approaches to College Credit
APP 8044 Minimum Hourly Rate for Student Employees
APP 8048 Compensation for Cooperative Work Experience
APP 8081 Title IV - Federal Financial Aid Programs
APP 8084 Dues and Fees of Campus Organizations